Monday, May 14, 2012

No War on Women?

No War on Women?
No War on Women ? ??!!!!???

Big A** Chart Says You’re Wrong!

Many have said the war on women doesn’t exist, that it’s a ploy by the left to demonize Republicans. But what have we seen since they took over the house and stormed state legislatures across the country in 2010?

We’ve seen no comprehensive jobs bills, no bills drafted to try to stabilize the economy or rein in the criminal excesses of Wall Street and the banking worlds; we’ve witnessed continued, unrelenting obstructionism…

And we’ve seen the passage of an unprecedented number of bills meant to limit women’s access to health care and abortion services, which, may I remind you, remains legal in the United States of America. By the end of 2011, 135 pieces of legislation had been passed out of 1100 introduced, and in 2012 alone over 30 new provisions or measures have already been enacted out of 944 bills introduced.
Sometimes all those numbers can make it difficult to grasp the severity of the situation and only a visual will drill the message home.
Luckily for you, The Stew has just that – with a huge thank you to Stew blogger Karen Y. for her tireless research!

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