Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Jetsons 🛸Birthday July 31, 2022

🛸  The Jetsons  🚀
George Jetson's Birthday
July 31, 2022
#George Jetson from CINEMA
Image from CINEMA
The Jetsons
Opening and Closing Credits and Theme Song
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The Jetsons is an American animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. It originally aired in prime time from September 23, 1962, to March 17, 1963, on ABC, then later aired in reruns via syndication, with new episodes produced from 1985 to 1987. It was Hanna-Barbera's Space Age counterpart to The Flintstones.

While the Flintstones lived in a world which was a comical version of the Stone Age, with machines powered by birds and dinosaurs, the Jetsons live in a comical version of a century in the future,[3][4] with elaborate robotic contraptions, aliens, holograms, and whimsical inventions. The original had 24 episodes and aired on Sunday nights on ABC beginning on September 23, 1962, with prime time reruns continuing through September 22, 1963. It debuted as the first program broadcast in color on ABC. (Only a handful of ABC stations were capable of broadcasting in color in the early 1960s.) In contrast, The Flintstones, while always produced in color, was broadcast in black-and-white for its first two seasons. The show was scheduled opposite Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color and Dennis the Menace and did not receive much attention; it was cancelled after one season and moved to Saturday mornings, where it was very successful.

Following its primetime run, the show aired on Saturday mornings for decades, starting on ABC for the 1963–64 season and then on CBS and NBC. New episodes were produced for syndication from 1985 to 1987. No further specials or episodes of the show were produced after 1989, as the majority of the core cast (George O'Hanlon, Mel Blanc and Daws Butler) had died in 1988 and 1989. The 1990 film Jetsons: The Movie served as the series finale to the television show. Twenty-seven years later, a new direct-to-video animated movie, The Jetsons & WWE: Robo-WrestleMania!, was released in 2017.
#George Jetson from CINEMA
The Jetsons are a family residing in Orbit City. The city's architecture is rendered in the Googie style and all homes and businesses are raised high above the ground on adjustable columns. George Jetson lives with his family in the Skypad Apartments: his wife Jane is a homemaker, their teenage daughter Judy attends Orbit High School, and their son Elroy attends Little Dipper School. Housekeeping is seen to by a robot maid named Rosie who handles chores not otherwise rendered trivial by the home's numerous push-button Space Age-envisioned conveniences. The family has a dog named Astro that talks with an initial consonant mutation in which every word begins with an "R", as if speaking with a growl; a similar effect would also be used for Scooby-Doo
George Jetson's work week consists of an hour a day, two days a week. His boss is Cosmo Spacely, the bombastic owner of Spacely Space Sprockets. Spacely has a competitor, Mr. Cogswell, owner of the rival company Cogswell Cogs (sometimes known as Cogswell's Cosmic Cogs). 
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Jetson commutes to work in an aerocar with a transparent bubble top. Daily life is leisurely, assisted by numerous labor-saving devices, which occasionally break down with humorous results. Despite this, everyone complains of exhausting hard labor and difficulties living with the remaining inconveniences.
Image from CINEMA
#George Jetson from CINEMA#George Jetson from CINEMA
The Jetsons Future of Technology
Image from CINEMA

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Great Dictator 📽️Charlie Chaplin

“The Great Dictator”
Thousands Cheer
Richard Brody
The great and grand speech with which Charlie Chaplin ends “The Great Dictator” — the speech that the Jewish barber, mistaken for the Tomainian tyrant Adenoid Hynkel, delivers to the waiting crowds in conquered Osterlich as well as, over the airwaves, to the entire world—builds to a fevered, hortatory, martial conclusion:
“Soldiers! In the name of democracy, let us unite!”

With which, the crowd roars its approval. In the studio, as we wrapped up our recording of
this week’s DVD of the Week, Monica Racic, the producer, called my attention to the expression on Chaplin’s face at the moment that the cheering erupts: it’s a look of desperate fear, even terror, and it’s the last look at Chaplin that the movie offers. The Jewish barber recognizes—and, indeed, Chaplin himself recognizes—that, in calling for peace, he was really calling for war; and that the medium in which he did so was no mere Union Square soapbox but the bully pulpit of the world. Chaplin began that speech by saying, “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone.” Yet rule he would, facing down Hitler in the same mass media with which Hitler (who knew well the centrality of movies and radio to his regime) held his followers spellbound.

P.S. On the subject of Hitler’s radio speeches, Heinrich Böll
-a worthy winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (whose name is dropped in Woody Allen’s “Manhattan”) - has a great passage in his grimly comical short story, Murke’s Collected Silences,” from 1953, about a young radio technician, who, here, is addressed by a senior colleague:

“When I was your age I once had to cut three minutes out of a four-hour speech of Hitler’s, and I had to listen to the speech three times before I was considered worthy of suggesting which three minutes should be cut. When I began listening to the tape for the first time I was still a Nazi, but by the time I had heard the speech for the third time I wasn’t a Nazi any more. It was a drastic cure
- a terrible one, but very effective.”

It was indeed a drastic cure - though Chaplin’s performance as Adenoid Hynkel - his ferocious parody of Hitler
-might have had the same effect.

The Great Dictator Speech
No Music
Charlie Chaplin
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The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people.
Don’t give yourselves to brutes - men who despise you - enslave you - who regiment your lives - tell you what to do - what to think and what to feel! Who drill you - diet you - treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder.
Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!
You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men!
You have the love of humanity in your hearts!
You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate - the unloved and the unnatural!
Don’t fight for slavery!
Fight for liberty!
               -  Charlie Chaplin speech (1940)
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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

May be Pests to Some 🕊️ New York Pigeon Lovers

They may be Pests to Some...
But these New York Pigeon Lovers
Say their Bird Collections are Quite a Coop

By Daily Mail Reporter  

They are typically considered germ-ridden, mangy creatures scrounging off leftovers and good for nothing but sullying city landmarks.
But this collection of photos shows pigeons in a whole new light where they vastly improve New York City's sky and provide some of its inhabitants with company and happiness.

In the age-old art of pigeon keeping, the birds - all varieties of domestic pigeon - are precious rather than pestilent. 

Taking flight: Brooklyn's Bushwick is one of the hubs of pigeon keeping in New York City; and these photos help show just why people do it 
Ancient art: Brought over to New York by Italians, the art of pigeon keeping has been practiced around the world for thousands of years
Where there's a Will there's a way: Willie says he has collected the most pigeons in Bushwick
Where there's a Will there's a way: Willie says he has collected the most pigeons in Bushwick

The stunning pictures, taken by Chris Arnade, are taken from the rooftops of Brooklyn’s Bushwick – one of the hubs of pigeon keeping in New York.
Providing a fascinating insight into the centuries old tradition of pigeon keeping, the pictures show the birds’ beauty both as they soar and nestle in their coops.
The keepers – commonly known as pigeon fanciers – must feed and fly their flocks every day.
According to photographer Chris Arnade, the keepers in Bushwick’s Maria Hernandez Park are all men, who are mostly of Dominican and Puerto Rican descent. 
Fanciers: Pigeon keepers - or pigeon fanciers - in Bushwick are all men, according to photographer Chris Arnade 
Veteran keeper: 86-year-old Johnny has been collecting birds in Bushwick since he was a boy
A natural: Delone was recently taught how to catch and hold pigeons by his Uncle Luis who keeps the birds

Pigeon keeping, which has been practiced for about 10,000 years, was brought to New York City by Italian immigrants and the city remains a bastion of the sport.
These men proudly collect, bred and fly their pigeons, which are signaled back home using flags and whistles. Although, if another keeper manages to lure one of your birds to his roof, you've typically lost it or will have to buy it back for a couple of dollars.
The men keep their pigeons in coops on their roofs, where they often have a small office too. The roofs' crucial criteria: they must be flat.

Captured: Jesus, from East Tremont in the Bronx, shows off the pigeon he has just captured to add to his collection
Soaring: After being let out for a fly round, the birds are signaled back with flags and whistles 
Golden glow: The birds look beautiful as they take off in the warm glowing sunlight

Monday, July 25, 2022

July 🍉History and Holidays

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🍉 History and Holidays 🌻
The seventh month of the Gregorian year is named in honor of Julius Caesar. In 63 B.C. Caesar had been elected Pontifex Maximus. The calendar was 355 days long and gradually through mishandling and corruption (pontiffs allowing the calendar to lengthen to please one priest, shortening it to anger another) January slipped into fall.

July was originally named Quintilis after Marcus Aurelius Claudius Quintillus, a Roman Emperor who died in 270 B.C.  While Caesar didn’t place the month of Quintilis (meaning fifth) in the strangely seventh place, he did decide to change from a lunisolar to a solar calendar. (Before the Roman calendar, there were only ten months, and Quintilis was the fifth month. When the Romans added new months, Quintilis and other months were adjusted.) The solar year would consist of 365 days, adding 10 to the total. The extra days were distributed among the months with 29 days.
Julius Caesar
A year after Caesar completed the calendar, he was assassinated on the Ides of March. In his honor, the Roman Senate named the seventh month July, the month of Caesar’s birth.
Thе new calendar went іntо effect оn the first dау оf Jаnuаrу 709 A.U.C. (ab urbе condita—”from the fоundіng оf thе сіtу [Rоmе]”) Jаnuаrу 1, 45 B.C. and put аn end tо thе arbitrary and іnассurаtе nаturе оf thе еаrlу Roman ѕуѕtеm. Thе Julіаn саlеndаr bесаmе thе predominant саlеndаr thrоughоut Europe for thе nеxt 1600 уеаrѕ untіl Pоре Gregory mаdе furthеr rеfоrmѕ іn 1582.
Certain соuntrіеѕ аnd institutions іn fасt аdhеrеd to this ancient ѕуѕtеm untіl wеll іntо thе twеntіеth сеnturу: thе Julіаn саlеndаr wаѕ uѕеd іn Russia untіl 1917 and іn Chіnа untіl 1949, аnd to thіѕ day the Eastern Orthodox сhurсh adheres tо Cаеѕаr’ѕ саlеndаr.

Weather & Seasons
July weather in the Northern Hemisphere begins heating up. The dog days of summer begin in July and carry through until August. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the second month of winter. The July weather is an excellent time for completing home renovations and projects. This summer month is also perfect for eating ice cream. In fact, the entire month celebrates ice cream and there are seven, yes seven, ice cream-related holidays on the calendar to keep us cool.
In the Southern Hemisphere, July is the second month of winter. While July’s average temperatures make it the hottest month of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, July is also the coldest month on average in the Southern Hemisphere.
July’s full moon is called the Buck Moon because a male deer’s antlers grow the fastest and reach its annual growth potential in July.

What’s Your Sign?
If you’re born in July your sign is either Cancer or Leo. Cancer is the crab sign and Leo is the lion.
Your birth flowers are larkspur and waterlily. The larkspur represents the bonds of love. While larkspur doesn’t bloom until Fall, the waterlily blooms all summer long. However, like the rose, the larkspur’s colors also have special meaning.
  • Pink = fickleness
  • White = happiness
  • Purple = first loved
  • Blue = grace
The waterlily represents purity.
The primary birthstone of July is Ruby. This valuable gemstone. They are found prominently in Myanmar and Vietnam. These beautiful stones vary in shades from blood red to pinkish-red and signify wealth and prosperity.

Five Fast Facts

1. Several countries celebrate their independence in July including Canada, the United States, and France.
2. July has 31 days.
3. The Bikini debuted in July 1948.
4. Neil Armstrong put the first footprints on the moon in July of 1969.
5. Notable people born in July include: 

Ernest Hemingway Princess Diana Tom Cruise Arnold Swartzeneger Thurgood Marshall Medgar Evers Stephen Foster Percey Spencer Peggy Braithwait Tom Hanks Jane Lynch Ida B. Wells Nelson Mandela Janet Reno Robin Williams Emily Bronte John Quincy Adams Calvin Coolidge

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Travel ✈️Africa 🌍

🌍  Travel ✈️Africa  🌍
        👇   📺   👇                          Click  Below  to     Choose   a Video   
# 🌍  Travel ✈️Africa  🌍 Videos 
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Pan-African Flag
The Pan-African flag—also known as the Afro-American flag, Black Liberation flag, UNIA flag and various other names—is a tri-color flag consisting of three equal horizontal bands of (from top down) red, black and green. The Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL) formally adopted it on August 13, 1920, in Article 39 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World, during its month-long convention at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Variations of the flag can and have been used in various countries and territories in the Americas to represent Garveyist ideologies.
The flag was created in 1920 by members of UNIA in response to the "coon song", a late nineteenth century craze for songs that belittle and mock African Americans and imitated of stereotyped AAVE speech, that became a hit around 1900 "Every Race Has a Flag but the Coon". This song has been cited as one of the three songs that "firmly established the term coon in the American vocabulary". In a 1927 report of a 1921 speech appearing in the Negro World weekly newspaper, Marcus Garvey was quoted as saying:
Show me the race or the nation without a flag, and I will show you a race of people without any pride. Aye! In song and mimicry they have said, "Every race has a flag but the coon." How true! Aye! But that was said of us four years ago. They can't say it now. ...
The Universal Negro Catechism, published by the UNIA in 1921, refers to the colors of the flag meaning:
Red is the color of the blood which men must shed for their redemption and liberty; black is the color of the noble and distinguished race to which we belong; green is the color of the luxuriant vegetation of our Motherland.

Journalist Charles Mowbray White has asserted that Garvey proposed the colors red, black and green for the following reasons: "Garvey said red because of sympathy for the 'Reds of the world', and the Green their sympathy for the Irish in their fight for freedom, and the Black [for] the Negro."

According to the UNIA more recently, the three colors on the Black Nationalist flag represent:

  • Red: the blood that unites all people of Black African ancestry, and shed for liberation;
  • Black: black people whose existence as a nation, though not a nation-state, is affirmed by the existence of the flag;
  • Green: the abundant natural wealth of Africa.

The flag later became a Black Nationalist symbol for the worldwide liberation of Black people. As an emblem of Black pride, the flag became popular during the Black Liberation movement of the 1960s. In 1971, the school board of Newark, New Jersey, passed a resolution permitting the flag to be raised in public school classrooms. Four of the board's nine members were not present at the time, and the resolution was introduced by the board's teen member, a mayoral appointee. Fierce controversy ensued, including a court order that the board show cause why they should not be forced to rescind the resolution, and at least two state legislative proposals to ban ethnic flags and national flags (other than the U.S. flag) in public classrooms.

In the United States, the flag is currently widely available through flag shops or ethnic specialty stores. It is commonly seen at parades commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, civil rights rallies, and other special events.

The flag goes by several other names with varying degrees of popularity:

  • the Afro-American flag
  • the Bendera Ya Taifa (Kiswahili for "flag of the Nation"), in reference to its usage during Kwanzaa
  • the Black Liberation flag
  • the International African flag
  • the Marcus Garvey flag
  • the UNIA flag, after its originators
  • the Universal African flag
  • the Red Black Green (RBG) flag
  • the Black Nationalist flag
Proposed holiday
In 1999, an article appeared in the July 25 edition of The Black World Today suggesting that, as an act of global solidarity, every August 17 should be celebrated worldwide as Universal African Flag Day by flying the red, black, and green banner. August 17 is the birthday of Marcus Garvey.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Grow Mango Tree 🥭From Cutting🌱In Water

#Mango from Nature
Don't know if these are REAL
or  If they really would work 
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....but if anyone wanted to try...
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(3 Videos Links Below)
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How to Grow Mango Tree from Cutting
100 %success
How To Grow Mango Tree From Cutting In Water..
100%Success Root ??

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How to Grow Mango Trees by Cutting Tomatoes
(According to the New Technique)
This video shows you how to cut amazing mango trees using natural hormones from tomatoes to successfully root mangoes. It is a new technique for cutting mangoes. We hope you can also learn and grow mangoes.
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How to propagate mango tree from cuttings
grow mango tree cutting
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