Thursday, June 22, 2017

How To Dance Like Michael Jackson

How To Dance Like Michael Jackson
How To Moonwalk
Billie Jean Thriller Beat Bad

by Corey Vidal

Evolution of Michael Jackson

Evolution of Michael Jackson's Dance

The Evolution of Michael Jackson's Dance
By Ricardo Walker's Crew

Cash Cash - Michael Jackson
By Ricardo Walker's Crew

Monday, June 19, 2017

Multnomah Falls - Oregon
Multnomah Falls

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day in Many Languages

In Many Languages 
English:   Happy Fathers Day
French:   Bonne fête des pères!
Italian:     Buona festa del papà / Giorno di padri felice

Spanish:   ¡Felíz día del padre!

Portuguese (Brazil)     Feliz dia dos pais!
Portuguese (Europe)     Feliz dia do pai!

Chinese:     父亲节快乐!
Urdu:     ‘یوم والد مبارک’ (Youm-e-Waalid Mubarak)
Arabic:     كل عيد أب وأنت بخير (Kullu eid abb wa anta bi-khayr)
Swedish:     Grattis på farsdagen!
Polish:     Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji dnia ojca!

Dutch:     Vrolijke vaderdag / De gelukkige Dag van Vaders
Turkish:     Babalar gününüz kutlu olsun.
Finnish:     “Hyvää Isänpäivää!”
Albanian:     Gëzuar ditën e babait!
Hungarian:     Boldog apák napját!
Tamil:     தந்தையர் தின நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்! (Thanthaiyar Thina NalvaazhththukkaL!)
Slovak:     Všetko najlepšie ku dňu otcov!
German:     Frohen Vatertag! / “Alles Gute zum Vatertag”.

Persian:     روز پدر مبارک
Greek:     “χρόνια πολλά”, “chronia polla”
Indonesian:     Selamat hari ayah.
Armenian:     Բարի հայրերու օր:Russian:     Счастливый день отцов

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Father's Day - Star Wars Style

Father's Day Star Wars Style
Wishing  ALL dads a very happy Father's Day!

Yes, even Dark Lords of the Sith deserve good tidings on this special occasion.
We hope you're able to spend some quality time with your dad from this galaxy, and that you enjoy this tender moment caught between a famous father/daughter duo from a galaxy far, far away!

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Hubble Reveals Glittering Galaxies Of New Stars ✨ ✨ 💫

Hubble Space Telescope
Reveals Glittering Galaxies Of New Stars
The number of galaxies in the universe may be in the trillions — and that’s a lot of suns, planets and possibilities for life.
By Lee Speigel

Using “natural magnifying lenses in space,” the acclaimed Hubble Space Telescope has photographed amazing close-up glimpses of what NASA refers to as “the universe’s brightest infrared galaxies.”
“The galaxy images, magnified through a phenomenon called gravitational lensing, reveal a tangled web of misshapen objects punctuated by exotic patterns, such as rings and arcs,” NASA says. “The unusual forms may have been produced by spectacular collisions between distant, massive galaxies in a sort of cosmic demolition derby.”
It’s not just the glitz, glamour and garish-looking spectacle of the galaxy clusters. These galaxies are producing more than 10,000 new stars a year. And their glow is so bright in the infrared range that they shine with the intensity of 10 trillion to 100 trillion suns.
“We have hit the jackpot of gravitational lenses,” galaxy researcher and astronomer James Lowenthal, of Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, said in a NASA statement. “These ultra-luminous, massive starburst galaxies are very rare. Gravitational lensing magnifies them so that you can see small details that otherwise are unimaginable.”
Astronomers “want to understand what’s powering these monsters,” Lowenthal said, “and gravitational lensing allows us to study them in greater detail.”

As more and more planets are discovered in our home galaxy, the Milky Way, the sheer numbers are quite staggering.
The following video explores the question of how many galaxies there are.

Our Universe Has Trillions of Galaxies
Hubble Study - Video

Galaxies range in different sizes and shapes, and include billions or trillions of stars, or suns.

In April, Time magazine announced its “100 most influential people in the world” list, which included three planet hunters. One of those scientists, Natalie Batalha ― the first woman at NASA to make Time’s list ― made some truly eye-opening statements about the detection of new planets.

“These exoplanet discoveries are really changing how we see the universe,” Batalha said during an interview with her fellow planet hunters. “You know, we look up in the sky and instead of seeing stars, we see other solar systems, because now we know that every star in the sky has at least one planet.”

In 2015, Forbes magazine suggested that, after the 25th anniversary of the stunning achievements of the Hubble Space Telescope, “We may yet find closer to a trillion galaxies within our visible universe.”

That’s a lot of galaxies, with a lot of suns, and a lot of planets ― and dare we speculate, a lot of life?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Army of Cats Protect Russian Museum

An Army of Cats
Protect One of The Largest Museums in The World
Around 70 kitties live in the cellars of the Hermitage.
Cats Take Up Residence
At the Hermitage Museum
Why do house-cats roam the halls of the Hermitage? And why did they disappear during World War Two? Since the era of Catherine the Great, the Hermitage has been home to hundreds of house cats. They earn their keep by keeping the museum vermin free. Today, the cats are fed and cared for by dedicated volunteers. But there was one brief period in Hermitage history when cats were nowhere to be found. This was during the Second World War when St. Petersburg, then known as Leningrad, was under siege by the Nazis. The Hermitage was under siege too -- marked for destruction by Adolf Hitler. As the staff of the Hermitage crafted a plan to save the museum's masterpieces, the housecats disappeared one by one.
These cats ‘work’ in Russia’s biggest museum keeping the exhibits safe from rodents.

Around 70 kitties live in the cellars of the Hermitage.
They’re ‘paid’ with food and care. The first cats were brought from Tatarstan in the 18th century by order of Elisabeth of Russia (SOURCE: The New Yorker). 

The cats have three caretakers, as well as their own press secretary. And on Hermitage Cat Day visitors can thank them for “guarding” the museum.

Cats Fight Rats at Russian Museum
One of the largest art galleries in the world is relying on feline power to keep it rodent-free.
For more than 200 years, cats have had a full-time job at the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Today, a new generation of about 60 felines live in the building, the proud descendants of a long line of Aristo-cats.

Hermitage Magazine
Honors Museum's Cats
With Formal Russian Portraits
Hermitage Magazine is honoring the cats that have patrolled the Hermitage Museum since the days of Catherine the Great, commissioning an artist to create six portraits of cats in the style of 18th and 19th century Imperial Palace Servants. Jen Markham has the story.

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Meow! Secret Hermitage Helpers
(RT Documentary)
Russia's State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg is home to countless pieces of art from around the world. 
RT goes behind the scenes of the former imperial palace on the Neva River to meet volunteers of all kinds...including cats.

The Best Animal Hugs Ever !

Hugs are the Best Therapy
People and Animals Hugs
Unbelievable Friendship!
People and Wild Animals
Compilation 2017

The Best Animal Hugs Ever!
Animal Hugs To Create a Smile
Unbelievable Unlikely Animal Friendships
Compilation 2017

Monday, June 12, 2017

Graham Norton Show 😊 Stanley Tucci in TEARS 😊 Miriam Margolyes 😊

Stanley Tucci in TEARS
The Graham Norton Show

Miriam Margolyes is Hilarious
"I'm nervous of asking you this..."
"No, please don't be. Because I *will* answer!"
"I know.. That's what makes me nervous!"