Saturday, May 21, 2016

Watch this CAT Meet 50 Dogs at a Dog Show

Watch this CAT
Meet 50 Dogs at a Dog Show 

Watch what happens when 50 different dogs go nose to nose with Boomer (a CAT) The reaction of the dogs is priceless.
Thanks for subscribing and sharing our videos. FYI - I have 34 years experience as a professional animal trainer, please do not try this at home. If you'de like to learn how to teach your cat, watch my tutorials here on my YouTube channel (MORE BELOW)

Boomer is a (well trained) Bengal and although the breed is amazingly beautiful, they are not for everyone, 1st they are not lap cats & generally don't like to be held, as kittens they are extremely mischievous and a lot of time everyday has to be put in to exercise this breed. 

They are also escape artists and they are known to meow louder and more frequently than most breeds. I have a Bengal for professional purposes, after all I have over 34 years as a professional animal trainer. 

Many of the cat tricks or other behaviors you see in my videos I spent many hours, days, and months perfecting, don't try this at home.

Didga is a Moggy/Tabby from the shelter and is an amazing kitty and was easier to teach then Boomer. I'm not saying don't get one, just know the commitment that will be needed when bringing this breed into your home. or just live vicariously through me and my posts of Boomer. 

(Think before you buy)


Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Brick Wall Illusion That’s Messing With Everyone’s Minds

The Brick Wall Illusion
That’s Messing With Everyone’s Minds
Can you spot what many are missing?

Nothing exciting about that, you may think. But take another look.

Go on, really look.  
Do you see anything unusual?

Don’t worry, you’re definitely not the only one to be perplexed.

Arron Bevin called the image one of the best optical illusions he’d seen when he posted it to Facebook on Monday.

 the answer will be revealed further down.
Now look at it again...
and try to spot the cigar that’s poking out from between two of the bricks... 
Aaaah, now you see it !!

Le Frigo du Désert - Zeer Potfrige Project

Le Frigo du Désert

Zeer Potfrige Project
Un frigo génial, économique et écologique

by Ema Sandron 31 mars
Lutter contre les effets du climat

Débrouille – Nigéria :
Efficace, voici ce que l’on nomme un Zeer pot. Un frigo écologique et pratique que le peuple du Nigéria utilise depuis des millénaires… qui va vous permettre de conserver des aliments frais quelque 10 fois plus longtemps que d’ordinaire pour deux sous et quatre centimes!

 Quel matériel vous faut-il?
  1. 2 pots en terre cuite non émaillés (un gros et un plus petit). Le gros pot fait 40 cm de diamètre intérieur. Le petit pot fait 25 cm de diamètre intérieur. La hauteur du gros pot est de 40 cm.
  2.  2 gros bouchons de liège si les pots en terre ont des trous
  3. Du sable.
  4. Un torchon pour couvrir le tout

 Comment faire?
  • Bouchez chaque trou des pots avec les bouchons en liège
  • Mettez environ 5 cm de sable au fond du grand pot
  • Placez le plus petit pot dessus (on le cale bien pour qu’il soit à la même hauteur que le gros pot)
  • Disposez le sable entre les deux pots.  (Il faut que le haut du sable soit environ 2 cm plus bas que le haut du pot intérieur, de cette façon, il sera facile et rapide d’arroser le sable 2 fois par jour sans risquer de mouiller le pot intérieur)
  • Bien tasser le sable.
  • Nettoyez le pot intérieur
  • Arrosez le sable, environ les 3/4 d’une bouteille d’eau
  • Laissez « refroidir » quelques heures avant d’y entreposer vos fruits et légumes.
J’ajoute : Sur la photo, il y a quatre pommes… séparez-les avec un morceau de carton placé verticalement. Et puis, voici encore un bon système à placer dans votre Walipini

Et voici une vidéo qui explique l’opération en anglais
mais les images parlent d’elles-mêmes.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What Google knows about you

What Google
Knows About You

It's no surprise Google keeps track of your usage habits.
But just how much of your data is it holding on to? Here's how to find out.

Click the link for more Special Features -

Google Secrets You Need To See

Google secrets...
  • Atari breakout
  • barrel roll
  • anagram
  • custom Street View (Lego and astronaut)
  • Kevin Bacon number
  • zerg rush
Happy Google-ing!

Google Tricks You Need To Try

Monday, May 16, 2016

Johnny T's: Subway & Tourist Tips

Johnny T's

Subway Tips

How you should behave when using public transportation.

NYC Tourist Tips

Planning a trip to NYC? Listen to Johnny T, and you'll have a great time.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This Giant, Moving Franz Kafka Head Stares at City Hall in Prague

This Giant, Moving Franz Kafka Head
Stares at City Hall in Prague
Mechanical Gigantic Head of Franz Kafka
Located near National street in Prague.